Vacations: Even the most dedicated workaholic enjoys them. But the one thing about vacations that isn’t so much fun? Is that they always end. Unless, of course, you’re a digital…
AKA A Good Day to coLab Hard AKA Harry Potter and the Prisoner of coLab AKA National Lampoon’s Christmas coLab AKA The coLab Knight Rises AKA I Still Know What…
If you’ve visited the coLab at any point during the last few months, you’ve no doubt noticed that there have been some…ch-ch-ch-changes. We turned ourselves to face us. And…
We’re sailors on the ferocious seas of freelancing, the endless expanses of entrepreneurism. Braving the storms of uncertainty, crashing through waves of doubt. Looking across the bow and out over…
Finally, flexible workspace for fast-moving project teams. Scaling companies are always dealing with the frustrations of workspace for their teams. Whether it’s a quick collaborative brainstorming meeting, a flexible multipurpose team…
December’s an interesting month. Some of us get busier with the holiday hustle, and other find themselves in a period of seasonal slow-down. No matter what your situation is though, it’s easy…
Pierre Rondier is usually pretty quiet. He grabs his usual hotdesk seat in the morning, pours himself a coffee, adjusts his round glasses, and then it’s head-down, work mode. Get…
Conquer the winter doldrums and accelerate your business growth through the cold, dark winter months so that you can leap into spring ahead of the game. (more…)
With summer sliding away and fall showing it’s face it’s time to get off the beaches and back to work. After a few great months of Okanagan sun and fun,…
We would just like to start by saying THANK YOU! Coworking Week couldn’t have been as great as it was without everyone who attended. If it wasn’t for fantastic folks like…