Establish your roots

Together we can do more. That’s what makes life at the coLab meaningful—our members are doing their best work yet by thinking, creating, and innovating together in a supportive environment.

What does community mean to us?

With over 100 different definitions, we feel simplicity is key here:
it’s about the people.

We prioritize the human connections that form naturally in a collaborative environment.

Our community of professionals are supported by one another.

Our Partners

Offering members services and connections within our community.

Member Companies

Providing their teams with everything needed to grow.

Our Values

I wouldn’t ever encourage somebody to replicate coLab, nor do I think it’s really replicate-able.

Instead, I urge people to learn from the lessons we’ve learned, share some of our ideas, but interpret them to fit their community.

I personally think that the coolest thing is that communities, like the people in them, have personality. Squelching that personality is a waste – instead, we embrace it.
